Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It Will Get Better.

It WILL get better. I just have to keep telling myself that. And I've heard it from quite a few other, experienced parents, so I believe it.

This week has been pretty trying, though. So much so that Casey stayed home from work today so he could help me with our crying, screaming baby boy. We ended up calling the doctor this afternoon because Keaton went through a one hour period of time and nothing would console him. Usually we can calm him down pretty quickly, but nothing was working, and we're on day 3 of an unhappy little guy who seemed to be in pain. Combine that with the 2 hour feeding marathon last night, and we were sure something else was going on with him.

The doctor checked him over (I should mention that when she went to take a peek in his diaper, he peed all over her leg!) and has come to the conclusion that he has acid reflux. I guess he's been eating more because it temporarily calms his esophagus. They prescribed Zantac and it will hopefully kick in in a few days after the esophagus is less inflamed.

I'm really glad I've seen bits and pieces of a happy little kid before now. If not, I'm afraid I'd probably cry even more than I already have this week. It gives me hope that this is just a rough patch, and as they say, it will get better. I realize many parents out there have had things happen to their kids that are much worse than reflux, so I definitely don't mean to seem insensitive. It's just so hard to see this little tiny person in so much pain and there's nothing I can do about it. Monday and Tuesday had me second guessing everything I thought I knew about my kid to this point. We had an awesome weekend full of smiles (like the one he just gave me while sleeping (for a moment) in my lap) and lots of happy, active awake time. Sunday night into Monday was tough, but Monday night was the hardest... I felt completely helpless and exhausted. Thank goodness Casey's been here to help- he's gone above and beyond, especially when dealing with my moods and overall instability so far. Someone should give that guy a medal.

Here's hoping the meds kick in sooner than later. Until then I'll be here, doing my best to make the little guy as comfortable as possible. Must. Maintain. Sanity.



PS: I forgot to add that Keaton now weighs 9 lbs, 8 oz!! Keat loves to Eat!

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