Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm out.

In honor of being consistent (something I am continuously striving to be but not very successful at so far in life) I am blogging at work. However, this is the final time I can say that, since today is my LAST (full) DAY. :) I probably shouldn't be so happy, but really, nothing is phasing me right now. The internet could shut down, a jackass attorney could come in and yell at me, and the phone could ring off the hook, but nothing is bringing me down today.

Sometimes I picture myself in the scene from Half Baked, looking around and pointing at people, saying, "F-you, f-you, you're cool, f-you, I'm out." But I won't, because I like people here (for the most part) and do not want to burn any bridges. It's kind of fun to picture myself doing that, though, because it would be pretty out of character for me. Instead I will go quietly, knowing that I was lucky enough to get a job here when it looked like there was nothing out there for me. I remember being pretty upset and depressed looking for a place to work, and then how lucky I felt to be given a chance to work here. Yes, it was stressful. Yes, I hated it at times. But I am pretty sure I've felt that way at every single job I've had so far. It just comes with the territory I suppose.

Heck, even being a Stay At Home Mom can be stressful. I can't say I really 'hate' any part of it, but it's tough. I keep saying it's the hardest, most rewarding job I have ever had. I get paid in kisses and smiles (and spit up and other things), which is better than the tiny little paychecks I get here. It's better than any BIG paychecks I've gotten here, too. Time with him is priceless, and I'm really glad I get to spend more of it with him and less of it with printers that don't work, computers that are slow, and people who are grumpy. I'm ready to be home.

Speaking of home, I had a fun night with Casey and Keaton last night. Keaton sat in his high chair while Casey and I made experimental brownies. No, that's not another reference to Half Baked, either... Casey wanted to jazz up the boxed brownies by adding peanut butter and marshmallows, and they turned out well. Keaton seemed to enjoy watching us buzz around the kitchen, and sat there quietly for quite awhile while we worked. I love how observant he is. He is usually completely content just watching people and does not need to be entertained all the time. Shortly afterward, he ate and passed out for the evening. Casey went to a movie around 10, and I stayed up later than I should... I got wrapped up in making my previous blog about Japan into a book. For less than $40, I will have a hard cover version, with pictures and everything, of my Japan experience. I'm pretty excited to see the final product- it should arrive at the beginning of next month. For anyone who may be interested, I did it through I'm glad they have this option so that all of my memories aren't lost if the site shuts down someday. The only downside I saw was that there is very minimal editing you can do to the layout, but overall, I'm just glad to have the memories in print form.

I guess that's about all for me for today. I work 2 hours tomorrow night, then I'm OUT. :)



Chimpsea said...

Hey - how do you turn a blog into a book? Is there a program or something you're using?

Ashley said...

If you go to you can assemble the book, pick out a cover, even write a dedication- it's pretty sweet. I'm glad they have something like that- I'd always wished for it but didn't look into it until recently. Too bad I didn't market the idea! ;)

Jenny said...

Wow, that blog2print sounds cool, I can't wait to see the book!