Thursday, September 30, 2010

Topeka Trip

I wish I would have posted earlier in the trip, because I've been home for a full week now and most of it is a blur. The Topeka High Reunion went pretty well. There are a lot of people I wish would have come, but a lot that I was very happy to see as well. As usual, I didn't take enough pictures, but hopefully others did and I can steal some of them later. Friday night was a lot of fun, and the tailgate was nice because people got to meet Keaton. Strange how Facebook made the reunion a lot less awkward- for me, at least. I felt like I knew were most people were now, and it was easier to catch up with them (and even some I barely talked to much in high school) thanks to FB. Weird, I know. I guess it pays to be a stalker.

I have plenty more to write, but tiny man (who is teething hard-core the last few days) just woke up and wants some attention. I will attempt to write more later!


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