Sunday, September 5, 2010

Milestones and playdates and employment... oh my!

Lots on my mind today... forgive me if this is random.

Keaton has done a few new things this week. He held his sippy cup and bottle for the first time by himself. Granted, he had to do it while laying down or being propped up on his Boppy pillow because he hasn't mastered the concept of holding the cup up so the liquid goes to the mouthpiece, but it's a start. He also gave me an open mouth kiss twice this week! I really don't know if he knew what he was doing, or if he just wanted something to chew on and found my face, but either way it was really cute. He put his hands on my cheeks and came at me with his mouth wide open. Funny, and slimy at the same time. He's still drooling a lot, and I think he is really going to get a tooth any day now. Casey and I can feel a bit of a rough patch on his gums at the bottom. He will not under any circumstances let us actually look in his mouth, though, so there may very well be a tooth in there already and we just haven't seen it yet. I know it's starting to get a bit painful when he eats! (Too much information. Sorry. But it's true!)

On Wednesday we went to Cradle Talk for one of the last times. They normally cap the age at 6 months, and while they said they will make some exceptions because the newer moms seem to like asking the 'experienced' moms questions, we are the oldest in the class now and it shows. Danielle's son Blaine and Keaton spent almost the entire class period sitting up, to the amazement of other moms whose children haven't reached that milestone yet. Now we feel a little old! I guess they say now that once our kids can crawl, they have to kick us out. I wonder when I'll be able to check that milestone off the list...

Thursday we went to Kelley's for a playdate with Nolan/Kelley and Blaine/Danielle. The three boys really feed off each other and when Blaine got scared of Kelley's dog Wrigley and started crying, it caused Nolan to cry, which caused Keaton to chime in. We couldn't help but laugh... they did it more than once. I called it "waterfall crying". I have noticed the same type of thing at Cradle Talk- when one kid gets fussy, more kids start crying, and they all seem to get hungry or tired around the same time... it's a little strange!

I really enjoy spending time with Kelley and Danielle- I feel like I've finally made good friends here- people I can really talk to and confide in. I think that's another reason why I don't feel as bad about quitting my job- I don't need to go to work to fulfill the need to say something other than 'goo goo gah gah' all day. It really does help to be around moms who are going through the same things I am. I had a blast with them when we went out for our Moms Night Out a week ago... it was great to go out and relax. I look forward to doing it again soon! Maybe with a few less ounces of adult beverage this time, though... yikes. ;)

We ended up meeting up again on Friday and went to downtown Naperville to walk around with the boys. I guess we were quite a sight around there- three moms with three strollers and three boys... we got asked quite a few times if the Labor Day parade had started early. Haha.

Yesterday, Case and I took Keaton to downtown Naperville to the Last Fling event they were having for families. Keaton got to go to the petting zoo and saw his first farm animals up close and personal. He really seemed to like it, and was enthralled by the calf and the chickens most of all. I took a bunch of pictures of Casey and Keaton with the animals... I'll post them on the Flickr site soon. I also got what seems to be some nice shots of the boys together by the riverwalk, and Casey took one of Keaton and I that will probably be one of my favorites... at least it looked good in the viewfinder of the camera. :)

In other news, I had an embarrassing thing happen earlier in the week. One of the ladies on my street thought Keaton's name was 'Keegan', and instead of swallowing my pride and correcting her, I made the mistake of talking about it to two of the other neighbors. I think it was because I don't like 'confrontation' (I hate calling it that, because it wasn't a negative thing... just embarrassing). Anyway, one of the neighbors e-mailed her about it, and she drove up shortly afterward while we were sitting outside and was completely embarrassed. To make matters worse, her 4 year old daughter yelled from the car, "I want to see baby Keaton" to which one of the neighbors yelled out, "See, even your 4 year old knows his name!". Then the ladies started talking about how I should have just told the woman she had his name wrong, and how it's similar to having food stuck in your teeth but no one telling you it's there. Soooo... lesson learned. Next time I'll woman up and say something. Blah. I have never been good at that and often find myself avoiding a situation so the other person isn't embarrassed... turns out it's like ripping off a bandaid. Just freaking do it and get it over with. (Sigh).

Well, I'm about to go Office Space on one of the printers here who will not make up its mind and keeps trying to print from the wrong tray, no matter what I do. Where's a baseball bat when I need one?? Ahhh! Right now it's nice to know that the only printers I will have to abuse soon are the ones in my own house. That's about all from me for one day!


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