Thursday, September 16, 2010

More Milestones

New Keaton stuff:

He now rolls from tummy to back.... YAY! That was all I wanted him to learn right now since he kept flipping over in his crib and getting ticked when he couldn't flip back over. He flipped twice during Cradle Talk yesterday and then again after we came home. I finally got it on video for Casey, too!

We are about 99% certain he said "mama" last night. Casey and I were eating dinner and listening to Keaton on the monitor, and Keaton was crying (as usual) while in his crib because he didn't want to sleep. He was pretty pissed, when suddenly we heard "mama"... I looked at Casey, who looked at me and said, "Yeah, I heard it, too." Crazy stuff! It sucks that he said it out of anger, and I probably won't really 'count' it until he says it on a regular basis, but it was still nice to hear. :) I think he also says "huh uh" (he shakes his head when he does it, so I'm pretty sure he knows what it means) and it almost sounds like he says "Hi" sometimes. I could be reading into all of it... is it only by accident? Besides the huh uh thing, it's probably coincidence... but we'll see!

He's still doing the 'wiggle wiggle' and 'click click' thing. He also started eating finger food last night. I bought the little peach yogurt melts at Babies R Us yesterday, and I think he's a fan. He got most of it in his mouth, but quite a bit of it on the floor, high chair, and even some in his hair and behind his ear. He loves peaches, but they are an absolute mess to clean up. He now sticks his fingers in his mouth and/or grabs the spoon when I'm feeding him, so he gets it all over his hands, then touches everything in sight. But it helps him learn, so it's kind of fun when I stop thinking about how messy it is and start focusing on how much more he can do now.

He also sat in a high chair at a restaurant yesterday for the first time. He realized it, too, and was pretty excited and happy about it. We sat near the front door, and he loved watching people come in, especially if they noticed him and talked to him. He's such an attention hog!

Casey's working from home today (with the exception of right now- he had to go in for some training) but we have enjoyed his company this morning. He gets to do the same tomorrow, too. It's nice to have him around, even if he is locked up in the office working on work. We take what we can get! :-D

My last full day of work is this Sunday, and then I work 2 hours Monday night and I'm DONE. Then next Thursday we fly home for my 10 year high school reunion. I think it'll be fun... hopefully we get to see a lot of people and hopefully Keaton travels better than he did in July. I hope he actually sleeps this time! Looking forward to being home soon.


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