Thursday, May 13, 2010

Anxiety should have been my middle name...

I just laid Keaton down for a nap out in the travel crib in the living room. Since he doesn't normally nap there, I moved the baby monitor out so I could get some things packed for our trip to Topeka tomorrow. I was in the bedroom getting my clothes together when I heard a really strange noise in the monitor. I thought, "Man, Keaton is really breathing weird!" so I poked my head out to look down the hallway and see what was going on. Charley had plopped down next to Keaton's crib and was breathing into the monitor! Thank goodness... I thought we were going to have to take Keaton to the pediatrician!

Sidenote... I don't know how many times I've almost said "vet" instead of "pediatrician". I also don't know how many times Casey and I have called Keaton Charley or Charley Keaton. Ah! Oh, another sidenote- I actually managed to get video of Keaton laughing at Charley last night... it was hilarious! Wish I could post it on here!

Charley is doing well. He's down to one full Prednisone a day now, until next Wednesday when he starts on 1/2 a pill. I am a little nervous about leaving him this weekend, but I figure he's better off at the vet for the weekend than he would be if we had someone dogsit for us. That way if anything happens, he's got the doc right there. We definitely would have taken him with us if we decided to drive this time, but that would have been a bit crazy for us, so I'm glad we're flying. I really hope Keaton handles the plane well... needless to say I'm pretty anxious about this trip and how he'll do. It's his first real trip anywhere!

My Mom and Mother-In-Law bought Keaton some clothes right after he was born, and they finally fit him... today he's wearing an adorable sleep and play outfit that looks like a baseball uniform with "Handsome" on the front. I took some pictures but I'm not going to take the time to post them right now since I should use my time wisely today and get some packing done. Of all times to plan ahead, I really need to on this trip. I know the 3.5 days we'll be home will go really fast... I almost wish we could spend more time there and I anticipate people getting upset because not everyone will get to see the baby. But that's how it goes, and we're going home for a graduation, so hopefully people will understand. We would love to be able to be home longer and see everyone, and maybe even relax! I don't really see us relaxing much this weekend, but I do hope Keaton's sleeping and eating schedules aren't totally thrown out of whack, and that he doesn't get sick... next week may not be so fun if that happens. Holy Anxiety, Batman!

Since my mind keeps drifting back to all the things I need to do today, I should probably stop blogging. I am really excited to be home very soon and introduce Keaton to everyone we have the pleasure of seeing this weekend! I'll surely update next week when we get home, and hope to have good news about the trip. For now, I'm going to go be productive, and try to calm down. ;)


1 comment:

Jenny said...

Haha, my mother in law is in town and she's said a few times "vet" instead of "pediatrician" when referring to Olivier. :p

Have a great time and take lots of pics!!