Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Belly Laughs

This morning, as I was holding Keaton and giving Charley his meds, Keaton really noticed Charley. He watched him intently as Charley drooled over the peanut butter encasing his Prednisone. As soon as I gave him the spoonful of PB, and his tongue started going full speed, Keaton let out a huge, hilarious laugh! He kept laughing while Charley licked his chops. His own, not Keatons, FYI. ;) This is the second time since Sunday that Keaton has laughed at Charley Brown... I have to get this on video!

Keaton is officially 3 months old today! Ridiculous. I can't believe it. Now I'm starting to get looks of pity from other people as I lug the huge car seat with the semi-huge kid around. Keat has got to be almost 13 lbs now, which is also ridiculous. My little boy is growing up! I think he's going to outgrow me! I need to look this up, but I didn't think he was supposed to double his weight already... I hope I'm wrong! I also hope he slows down a little bit. He needs to grow into those cheeks! ;)

He was getting sleepy so I just put him in the travel crib to take a nap, but now he's talking to himself. He's making really funny little noises these days... he makes this little laughing 'whoo hooo' noise fairly frequently, and he just started making this high-pitched squealing noise when he's super excited about something. He'll flail his arms and kick his legs, and sometimes he's so excited that no sound comes out for a minute, then you hear, "WHoooooOOO!" Casey and I stood and listened to him last night while he was on the changing table... that's when he talks the most. He will hoot at Ernie the Owl, and then giggle and talk to me. He still isn't saying a whole lot to Casey yet, but I'm sure he will soon. I think he and I have the best conversations. I have no idea what I'm saying in Keaton language, but he seems to really like it. He laughs at me all the time! I make crazy faces at him or put silly hats on my head, and he snorts and hoots at me. He thinks it's really funny when I put his binky in my mouth (backwards) and spit it out at him. Things like this are the main reasons why I get nothing done around here until Casey comes home... among other things...

 Well he's having a meltdown now so I should go... more later!


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