Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Quality Time

Last night we took Charley to the vet for more bloodwork. On Saturday, only his left lymph nodes on his back leg were swollen. Only two days later, the right side is starting to harden, and the glands in his neck are swelling, too. The vet was trying to stay positive and tell us about chemo treatments, saying that her own dog went through them and lasted another 5 years. This would have made me feel better had he not had blood in his stool last night when he went to the bathroom, after we left the vet's office. We may take him to the oncologist today instead of waiting until tomorrow, because from what Casey read last night, he may have jumped to Stage 2 or possibly 3 of 5, in just a few days. We will see what the doctor says, because you can't always believe what you  read online, but if it's moved to his GI tract, it's obviously not looking good.

After we got home from the vet, we took the boys on a walk around the neighborhood. That's when the bloody stool thing happened. It was getting dark out so I can't be 100% sure, but there's almost no doubt in my mind about it. When we got home, Case looked things up online so we would be a little more informed when we go to the oncologist, and then we took both boys in to our bed and just hung out together as a family. It actually took a bit of pleading to get Charley on the bed, which never happens. He's not getting up on the couch much anymore, either. I honestly thought he was sleeping on the floor more now because the weather's been warmer lately. Could I have totally missed the signs? I do thank God for his latest ear infection, because without it we wouldn't have taken him to the vet Saturday. At this rate he could have just gone totally downhill and we wouldn't have had any warning... although if this is progressing as fast as it seems to be, it almost feels that way already.

I really hope he makes it to his 6th birthday on Saturday. I guess we'll find out the probability of that today or tomorrow. He stills seems in good spirits, and if he's in pain he's not showing it yet. I really wish Keaton had more time with him. Keaton did smile at him last night, though, which was adorable. We got some video and pictures of the boys together last night. For now we're just trying to spend as much quality time with Charley as we can.

More later,


1 comment:

@sweetbabboo said...

I am so sorry. Watching a pet's health decline is so hard. It never seems we had enough time with them.
