Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Times, and 12 weeks

Here's to a better day, and a happier post. (That's for you, Lilli!)

Early this morning, a pretty decent thunderstorm rolled in. Keaton, who was having his normal tummy issues and sleeping on my chest, was completely unphased, but Charley Brown ran into our room and jumped up on the bed to cuddle. For a guy who just days ago would not get up on the bed for anything, I am happy to report that the Prednisone is making him feel better. His lymph nodes are almost completely back down to their normal size, and he seems to have more energy every day. Right now he's sitting right under the desk as I write this, waiting for food to fall down at him as I eat my lunch. :)

We've slept a lot today, but we've all slept cuddled up together on the couch. Yes, even Charley. That's the first time I've seen him get on the couch in about a week. Keaton's been pretty fussy today, but as usual it's his stomach, so I've tried to hold him and comfort him as much as possible. I think Charley's been comforting me. :) I have a ton of things to get done around here, but so far nothing's gotten done and it's 3:00 p.m. If Keaton will allow it, hopefully I'll be able to do something so the rest of the weekend isn't spent cleaning, or  making Casey feel overwhelmed that nothing has gotten done. I have been too distracted this week... strange how quickly Friday arrived.

Tomorrow we take Charley back for his check up, and then we're probably going to do various things to celebrate his birthday. We have a birthday cake, and I'll definitely take pictures of him eating it... that should be fun for all of us. They told me it's made out of peanut butter, banana, and yogurt... all things he loves.

I will also take more pictures of Keaton, who officially turned 12 weeks old today! The kid is getting more fun all the time. He definitely flirts now, and bats his little eyelashes when you're talking to him. I can't get enough of his giggles and coos. He's really smiling at me now, and we have little conversations all the time, especially when I'm changing his diaper. Sometimes that's the happiest place for him... probably like most boys, he enjoys being naked. :)

I guess that's about it. We had a great day yesterday. I got to spend more quality time with Chuck while Keaton took a nap, so I went outside and laid in the grass with CB and took some pictures. My computer is screwed up right now and I can't upload those pictures yet, but I'll try to update and post later. I've taken a ton of pics of the boys together, though. We also went on a really long walk with our neighbor and her son, Tyler. I got to take pcitures of Chuck with some of his favorite neighborhood kids. He has got to wonder what the heck is going on right now! Either that or he probably thinks I'm taking another photography class and he's the star... it wouldn't be the first time.

Well that's all for now, I just wanted to write a happier post today since the rest of this week has been pretty depressing. Sorry to write such blue entries... I guess I got caught up in all the emotions and didn't think about how it might affect people reading it. Blogging is such an outlet for me that I think I forget sometimes that people are really reading this... hopefully the entries will be happier from this point forward for a long, long time.



Jenny said...

Great update! I can't wait to see all of the pics of both boys. ;)

Lilli O said...

I'm so glad you are enjoying some time with Charley and spoiling him! Yay for a fun last couple days (as best as you can) with the boys! Hope you're having a great Mother's Day!