Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New things

Keaton is sitting on my lap, kicking his legs on sort of an invisible treadmill... panting and cooing as he runs in place. Too funny. He is chatting up a storm this morning, too. Not really sure what the heck he's talking about, of course, but the regular words like "ankoooo" and "whoooooo!" are involved. Love it.

Last night we took Keaton and Charley on a walk, and we put Keaton in the Bjorn facing out so he could see what was going on. He loved it! He especially liked looking and laughing at trees. It was fun to take him out and see his reaction to everything... he laughed a lot! :)

So it looks like I'll be headed back to work soon. I am excited to dust the cobwebs off my brain and interact with people again... and also to have something to talk about other than Keaton! I am scheduled for 2 Sundays in June, with a 2 hour refresher a week from Thursday. It'll also be nice to have a little extra cash. Hopefully I will remember something when I go back and won't have to start from scratch!

That's about it for now. I've already managed to clean up the house a bit, and even take a shower today! Keaton's napping (in his crib!) right now so I'm taking advantage... then I have a bunch of toys he hasn't played with yet to introduce him to. He really is a very observant little guy... and intense, just like his Daddy! Looking forward to teaching him more new things this afternoon. :)


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