Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Few Things

I've learned a few lessons recently.
  1.  If you decide it's a good idea to buy Valentine's Day candy on clearance at Walmart, and you decide you can't wait until you get home to eat it so you open it and it spills all over the car seat, consider that Karma telling you to save your money next time... keep it up and your money will go straight to your dentist anyway!
  2. Keeping a child up past their bedtime does NOT mean they will sleep in the next morning. In fact, it means they will most likely get up even earlier than normal.
  3. Allowing said child to play a computer game on your laptop may be cute at first, until the child hits a button and your computer goes crazy and now boots up in a totally different way. (I have no idea what Keaton did, but I no longer need a password to start up the laptop, the icons on my desktop are in a different order, and Windows had to reboot just to open a Word document. Uhhh ohhhh...

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