Saturday, February 12, 2011

What a Difference a Year Makes...

One year ago right now, I was in the Labor & Delivery Unit, pushing harder than I ever have before. And at 9:57 a.m. one year ago, God blessed me with the greatest gift I have ever been given. Keaton Alexander Hetrick was born, and changed our lives forever. He has been the most amazing, exciting, hilarious, curious, beautiful little man a Mom could ever ask for. It has been an incredible year- one that has come with challenges, and a lot of learning. There is so much left to learn about him, and I can't wait. Well maybe I can wait for parts of it...haha (potty training? learning to say 'no'?) but every day is a new adventure to see what he will do... I love to watch him learn!

Here's to one amazing little man... he's going to open a lot of presents today, but I think Casey and I got the best gift of all. :-D

Proud Mama,


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