Monday, January 12, 2009


Just when you think Mother Nature hates you, you wake up to see a Blizzard Watch on TV. It's supposed to start after midnight tonight. Why did we move here again?!

Until now, the only blizzard I knew was the one at Dairy Queen.

Needless to say, I am in no way excited about this at all, unless it means that Casey will be home from work tomorrow. I'm pretty unsure how I'm going to get the dog to go to the bathroom outside if there are blizzard conditions... I can barely get him to do that when there's just snow!

Any suggestions?? I'm at a loss. That's all for now. I'll probably write more tomorrow and will attempt to take pictures of the 'blizzard'... with any luck it will skip us altogether! I am not holding my breath. :-P


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