Friday, January 9, 2009

I'm a student again!

Yesterday's orientation at the College of DuPage went well. I realize that I'm a lot more in-tune with college life compared to some of the other non-traditional students, so maybe that could be a chance for me to help them out. I felt bad for one cute little lady who didn't know what a syllabus was. I'm glad I had a job at a university to keep me in the loop of college life!

I found out good news today! Joliet Junior College, the closest community college to Plainfield, has a 'chargeback' agreement with COD where they will pay for any classes I take that directly follow my major because they do not offer the degree I am seeking (thank you Illinois for that wonderful idea!!)... so I have been approved for the chargeback and JJC will pay the difference for my digital photography classes! Now we will only pay the in-district fees. This saves us well over $100/credit hour now, which is wonderful! I could have taken another class this semester!! Oh well... it's probably better for me to start slow and get my foot in the door. I have to reapply each semester, but it should be worth it if all of my credits from previous colleges transfer... that way I should only really have photography classes to take anyway! I look forward to finding out what will transfer so I can get a better idea of how long it will take me to get my Associate of Applied Science.

I also applied for a job at COD yesterday after orientation. It would be great to be able to get a job within the college. I'll keep you all updated on that. Oh yeah, and before I forget, I called the other job and told them a fib about not being able to come in tomorrow for the interview... the lady sounded disappointed, and part of me felt guilty, but I realize that I would not have been satisfied with that job, the pay, the hours, and being outside as much as I would have.

A lot has happened this week, and I have to say that with the exception of the accident, things have been pretty good, or at least they're improving. Last night's dinner with Casey's coworker Kyle and his wife Mandy was a lot of fun! We went to Quigley's, an Irish pub in downtown Naperville. We had a good time getting to know each other and Mandy and I got to listen to the boys talk about work and the people they work with. Kyle is very animated and did some pretty hilarious impressions of some of the people at BP. I have a feeling Mandy and I could definitely relate on being married to Chemical Engineers... maybe we can start our own support group. LOL.... anyway, I hope to go out with them again soon!

Well, that's about it for me for now. I'm waiting to hear back from people at K-State and Allen County to find out why they never sent my transcripts to COD... but other than that I'm staying inside because it freaking snowed again and I refuse to go out in it! It's supposed to snow more this weekend. Craptastic!



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