Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The job hunt continues...

Hello! I have been on the computer for the last... I dunno... 3 hours probably, searching for leads on jobs. I called a few places to inquire about them because I figured I'd have more luck that way. Anyway, I'm about to go cross-eyed and I'm about spent on the hunt for today. I applied to more jobs this morning than I have in the last week or so, so I hope something comes out of it. It's like fishing... and I was never really good at that. ;)

In other news, I had class again yesterday, and it went well. I was able to talk to people in the class, finally, and it really seemed to break the ice. We went on a little 'field trip' as a group and took some pictures in the same building our class is in. Our teacher wanted to be sure that we were all on the same page and we all knew how to use our cameras. It's difficult to go from using the Automatic setting to learning how to control things manually, but that is my main reason for taking this class, and I think it will be very effective. I haven't messed around much with aperture or shutter speed since I took photography in high school, so I'm pretty rusty. Luckily, our teacher repeats a lot of things in class, so it should sink in eventually. After class yesterday, I ran over to the Records office at COD to see if they got the rest of my transcripts, and I'm happy to say they did! I should hear back in the next month about what classes transfer for my degree. I really hope some of them do so I can get a degree sooner than later!! I stopped by the HR department at COD as well, and so far they haven't even gone through all of the applications that have been turned in for the job I applied for most recently. It would be nice to work for a school again, but I'm not holding my breath. (I need to think good, positive thoughts.)

Other than class, not much is going on around here. As the week progresses, I find more and more to do to get ready for our party on Sunday. I was super productive on Monday, though, which has helped a lot with the rest of the week. I need to run to Walmart soon to get things for the party. Casey was really distracted last night so I didn't get as much help with a list as I had wanted, but I figure I won't stress too much about it, and I'll probably just make more than one trip to the store before Sunday. I make a list, but I always tend to think of something else I need when I get back from the store. It never fails!!

Hmmm... what else. It snowed a few inches last night (which is starting to sound pretty insignifant, sadly enough!). I heard Casey scraping the driveway this morning before he left for work. That's another reason I'm dragging my feet to go to Walmart... but I know I need to go, and by this point in the day all of the fresh snow on the streets has probably been worn down by other people. That would be great... I am still a little nervous about driving in that junk.

I guess that's about all for now. Hopefully I'll hear back from someone about the jobs I looked into today!! Ahhhhhh!! If only you could get paid to look for jobs. I'd be a pro at that. ;)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ash!
On your list of things to get, include a magnetic note pad so you can add items you want when out shopping. We use one and it really helps you to keep from forgetting somethin. When you think of something, just go to the frig and write it down.