Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Brownies and Swine Flu Vaccines

It is true, sometimes I share too much on Facebook. I mean, a lot of people I know found out I am pregnant because of a status update I posted at around 2 months. Oops. But last night, it was totally worth it.

I was sitting at work, minding my own business, when this crazy brownie craving kicked in. I mentioned it in the previous post, but it really started to get bad as the night went on. So I went to Facebook to vent my frustration about wanting a brownie but being at work for another 1.5 hours. Next thing I know, Scott Baker, one of our agents, walks in the front door with a goodie from Starbucks, and hands it to me. A brownie. He said, "See, posting things on Facebook pays off sometimes!" Boy did it ever! My newest status update basically tells the world that Scott is wonderful, and that someone should buy a house from him. :)

In other news, I am officially vaccinated for Swine Flu! After all my OCD induced moments from being around sick people, I am happy to say that I am hopefully in the clear now. It didn't even hurt. The most painful part was sitting in a gym with 700+ other people for 2.5 hours. (I arrived at 7:30 pm and got the number 1980. They were barely in the 1100s at that point.) The line started going faster, I think because some people got 'weeded out' for showing up when they weren't on the priority list, or they just gave up and went home. I got my shot and was out the door by around 9:45. So glad that's over!! Now I shouldn't need any more shots anytime soon. Hooray!!

Peanut has been kicking up a storm today... I wonder why? It's probably just trying to make more room in my belly. It's supposed to weigh about 2 or 2.5 lbs now, and it is ~14 inches long. It apparently also has the ability to blink now, too. :-D Pretty neat. Tonight, Casey and I are going on a date to see the 70th anniversary of The Wizard of Oz at a local movie theater. I never get dates with him in the middle of the week, so I'm looking forward to it. :)

I guess that's about it for now. I'll update again later in the week!



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