Friday, November 13, 2009

Lots to celebrate!!

I have a lot to celebrate today! First, I am officially 28 years old today. (Thanks, Mom & Dad!!) Second, it is the 11 year anniversary of the night I met Casey (11-13-98 at Cyrano's Coffee Shop in Topeka, KS.) Third, Peanut is 25 weeks along today!! It's going to be a good day! :-D

Tonight Casey and I are going on a date- dinner and a movie- to celebrate all of the above. When I woke up this morning I found a card he'd left for me... just the front of the card made me teary-eyed. "To my wife and the mother of my child". :-D I like the sound of that!

Today will be spent getting the house ready for company tomorrow. I'm excited to see friends from SC again that we haven't seen in awhile. All of them have moved to Illinois as well, so it will be a nice USC reunion for my birthday dinner. I'm pretty sure this is the biggest group I have cooked for so far so I'm a little nervous, but I think it should be simple enough not to mess up. I hope! If not, we have Giordano's on speed dial so we'll work it out. :) I am especially glad to have today off work so I can get the house looking presentable...

Speaking of work, they surprised me yesterday with an ice cream cake and gift card for my birthday. It was delicious and definitely unexpected, as I am only part-time. :) They know how to make a girl feel special!! That and finding out Monday that they want to throw a baby shower in the office is really making me feel guilty about leaving...but I will just enjoy the time I get to spend with them, and be happy that I have a better support system here than I originally thought. :)

I think that's about it for now. The dryer is calling for me and I've got plenty of cleaning to do still, although I must say, I've gotten quite a bit done for only being awake for about 2.5 hours now. Yay for productivity! I guess that's something else to celebrate!


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