Monday, November 16, 2009

How Rude!!

I would like to thank the following people for their comments so far this week:

* My friend's husband who said I looked like I am "going to explode" because I'm so big

* The agent who said, "Hi, Fat Belly!"

* The other agent who said, "We should find Ashley some clothes that fit!" (Apparently my choice to wear a button-down shirt today was not a good idea... it's pretty stretched out in the belly area. Oops.)

I feel like a whale, but I know I'm actually not. The number of comments I get from people that are like, "You're almost 6 months pregnant? You're so tiny!" help to counteract the rude ones. People are just so rude sometimes! Annoying.

I do know that if I keep getting cravings for brownies (like I am currently) and follow through with them, I will definitely be whale/explosion size soon. Yikes.



Chimpsea said...

Aww I love your little belly! I don't know why people think they can say whatever they want to preggos, whether it's that they're small or big! Don't they know we're emotional and we could attack at any moment?! I love the story about the agent who bought you a brownie though. That is awesome. I should write about my cravings more and see what happens. Ha!

Ashley said...

Yes, yes you should. It really does seem to pay off!! :-D Yeah, that guy is pretty awesome!!

I know, I don't understand people, either. I am usually pretty happy that I'm finally showing, but some of the feedback is NOT appreciated. Jerks!!