Thursday, January 24, 2013

Not drowning yet!

My poor Mom. When Keaton got sick just over a week ago, we all got a piece of it, but Mom seemed to get the worst. As the week went on, she was not really improving, so we decided it would be better for her to go back to Kansas and see her own doctors, and recover. I got word this morning that she will be okay, thank GOODNESS. She just needs to rest, something that wasn't really able to happen here due to the boys and I. So in the interim, it looks like Casey's Mom is going to come on Sunday and stay for about a week until Mom is able to return.

We are making it through. I unfortunately got an infection in my eye, so to be safe my friend Kelley is taking me to the doctor this afternoon to get it checked out. I may have a sinus infection... not sure yet. Mom thinks that's what she had, too. And I wouldn't be shocked if that's what Casey and Keaton have right now as well. Darn this cold and flu season! Everyone I know has been sick at some point. I guess I'm glad that I've been able to avoid it all, for the most part. But when I do go out, I hang out in doctors offices... haha. Maybe I'll just count my blessings and be glad that whatever is working has worked and hope that it will continue to work through the rest of this pregnancy. And I hope I at least have another week left in me. (Friends are throwing a baby shower here on February 2nd, so I would love to hold out until after that if possible!)

Things are chaotic, but still in motion, so I can't ask for much more than that. Just hope the babies stay in, people get healthy, and life slows down at least a little before it gets completely chaotic again. I'm just riding the waves.


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