Monday, January 21, 2013

Week 31

31 weeks, and still chugging along!! (I think Keaton's obsession with Thomas the Train lately has made me have trains on the brain... yikes.) Anyway, I'm still pregnant. Woot!

I am apparently missing out on some spectacularly cold weather outside. I am so glad not to have to go out at all right now! Tomorrow I have an appointment with my OB, so I'll have to bundle up a lot (thank you Old Navy for the maternity coat... that's come in very handy during both pregnancies!). My poor Mom is still sick and the cold weather isn't helping at all. She thinks she has a sinus infection now. We have all gotten some kind of crud, and it's weird how differently it's affected us. Keaton and Mom got the cough, fever, and congestion. Casey and I got stuffy noses and drainage. I can honestly say (now that I think we are on the mend, for this round) that I got very lucky not having a fever or cough. Those were two things I was most afraid of anyway. Could we be in the home stretch?? I certainly hope so.

Bed rest has been quite the journey. Roller coaster may be a better term. I am glad I'm still on the ride, but there have been a few nights lately that I wonder how much longer I have left. I am so incredibly uncomfortable at night, and I'm not sure why. I have more contractions, my hips start going numb, I sweat, and I only sleep in about 45 minute to 1.5 hour increments. I take my Procardia (contraction reducer, if you will) at midnight and have a hard time sleeping before that, because even though I set my alarm, part of me is paranoid that I'll miss a dose. Then I take it, try to settle down to sleep, and then wake up at 1, 2, and 3, before normally passing out until Casey's alarm goes off at 4:15... then again until either my alarm goes off at 6 for medicine or Keaton wakes up, whatever comes first. Swiss cheese sleep SUCKS.

Gestational diabetes has been interesting. I have had a few days (when I felt especially sick) that my blood sugar readings were at the lowest and highest they have been so far. The lowest has been 75 and the highest was 128! I have no idea why it was that high, I ate the same thing two days in a row and it affected me in a totally different way. Not sure what's going on! If my OB is on top of their game, we will find out what they think about my readings and averages, and see if they want me to do anything different. Hopefully I won't have to go on insulin. At this point I doubt it, unless things go wacky. But you just never know with this pregnancy! I shouldn't complain too much, though. At least I'm not stuck in a hospital bed and I'm still allowed to get up and go to the bathroom and bathe myself. Thankful for that, for sure. And while that still has the potential to happen, I feel like I'm in a pretty good stride here, and hope not to break it. Only time will tell!

It is strange to think that, no matter what happens, the boys will be here in 7 weeks. I am not really sure what that will look like right now. I'm sure we'll be in the NICU for at least a small amount of time, but hopefully the boys will be big enough and strong enough not to spend more than a month there... obviously we hope for less. Or none... but less is good.

I guess that's about all for now. Hopefully we'll make it past this week, and all the way past 34 so I can prove my doctors' expectations wrong. :)


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