Thursday, January 3, 2013

Small miracles

Houston, we may have a very small miracle. My cervix went from .4 mm last week to between .5-.6 this week! I have heard about cervix lengthening, but it doesn't seem to happen often. Yay bed rest!! It seems to be working. We are at 28 + 3 now and no matter how you look at it, we are at our first big goal. The boys are growing a lot, and although we thought we'd have a growth check today, there was apparently miscommunication and we won't do that until next week. I am willing to bet they are both at least 2 lbs now. I am just very thankful that everything worked out the way it did... it's a pleasant surprise to hear that not only did it stay the same as last week, it got LONGER. I can't believe it.

I've been keeping regular status updates on Facebook, and feel like the number of people who care and are praying for us is pretty amazing. I sometimes feel strange sharing certain things on Facebook, so I don't talk about cervix length and usually make general statements about how the boys are doing, etc. But really, I've found that Facebook has been a nice outlet (for me) and that the support and encouragement I get on it really lifts my spirits. I know that when the boys are born and come home, I will probably fall off the face of the planet for awhile as far as that is concerned, and I'm making it more difficult for myself by continuing to be on the computer/internet all the time during bed rest. But I also figure that this is a difficult time in my life, and if I can find support through that, as well as balance it with other non-technological things (something I need to work on), then all will be well. It will not always be this way. I will not always be able to update the blog, and while I'd love to be able to do that in order to record what's going on in at least the boys' lives, I know there are other priorities I need to have- like my family. So for now, you've got me, and you've got probably too much information about everything. And soon, if you actually follow my blog, you will probably wonder if I'm still alive. So it will all balance out in the end.

I think that's about all for tonight. Surely I'll update again soon... I don't have another appointment until next Thursday, so my plan is just to keep on keepin' on. It seems to have worked so far!


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