Friday, October 9, 2009

20 Week Mark = Half-way there!!

It is so hard to believe that the first half of pregnancy is over now! It has been the fastest 20 weeks of my life, so far. I have a TON to do (I realize I say that a lot)... hopefully tonight Casey and I will get to go out and spend some quality time together, and think more about the nursery, etc. He's had a busy week at work, entertaining people almost every night, and going to dinners and other events. Wednesday was the only night he was actually home at a normal time, and I have a feeling he's going to be pretty tired tonight. Nonetheless, I am excited to see him and get to hang out this evening. This week has almost felt a bit like the old days in grad school... so I'm ready for him to be home!!!

This week has been a pretty good one. Sunday's baby shower was fun, although my coworker Michelle and I got really lost on the way there, and were over an hour late. It ended up working out okay, but we only stayed about an hour and a half because the party was over pretty quickly. We were there long enough to see Ashlee open presents, and to eat the delicious food. Since Ashlee knew she's having a boy, she got a TON of clothes. I think the only advantage I might have in not knowing the sex of the baby is that maybe I will get more things I need instead of a lot of little outfits. Granted, they are cute, but I realize that she is having a difficult time because she didn't get a lot of things she really needs for the baby. She's at 32 weeks now, so if the little guy decides to come early, she may have to scramble a bit and get some of the essentials. But I guess at least he'll have plenty of clothes to wear!

The rest of the week went pretty well. I realize more than ever that I really have a lot of respect for my teacher. I missed class last week, so when I went in on Tuesday I was anticipating bad news as far as turning in last week's assignment. Turns out he is a VERY very understanding guy, and didn't take any points off for being late. Basically the fact that I'm still doing my work and keeping the lines of communication open with him about what's going on is keeping me in the game. When I reminded him that I won't be in class on Tuesday because of the 20 week ultrasound, he was more than understanding. He basically told me not to worry about it, and that it was more important than class anyway. I am really thankful that I have someone as understanding as he is, especially right now! I think it helps that he has a family of his own. It still sucks missing class, but at least I know he's on my side about it. I remember in earlier college years, and even high school, being a bit apprehensive about talking to the teacher about things like absences, homework, test scores, etc... but I see the advantage in being honest with them (now) and letting them know what's going on. It doesn't guarantee a good grade by any means, but at least they know you care enough to keep them in the loop. If only I would have known that 10 years ago! (Memories of high school Chemistry...)

I spent most of the day on Wednesday taking pictures for class on Thursday. This week's assignment was "Shutter Priority" or different techniques using shutter speed. I thought taking pictures of Charley would be ideal for this assignment, but he was less than helpful. Turns out that Wednesday was the only nice day this week, so when I took him outside and thought he would chase the ball around, he just laid in the grass. I think he's pretty tired of me taking pictures of him... but that won't change anytime in the near future. :) Anyway, I took over 600 pictures on Wednesday, and had to narrow them down to 5 for class. I wasn't really proud of the 5 I chose, especially after seeing everyone else's work yesterday in class. There are some really talented people in that class, and they are using a lot of techniques I wish I would have thought about, like painting with light, etc. I learned how to do that in high school, and it was one of my favorite topics to explore. Maybe next time I'll think outside the box a little more. I hope to work on next Thursday's homework sometime this weekend, but it looks like the weather isn't going to cooperate anytime soon. We are supposed to get our first hard freeze on Saturday night. I am definitely not excited about winter... at ALL. I'm trying to take in Fall right now, and enjoy the leaves changing around the neighborhood. Soon it will be cold and I won't want to go outside! Hearing the weatherman say (jokingly...I hope) that it probably won't get warm again until sometime next May really took the wind out of my sails!! I miss you, South Carolina!!

So I have the day off today, but have to work tomorrow. I hope working Saturday will be a bit more exciting than the previous Sundays, which are normally pretty boring. I only have about 2 months left at work. When I feel myself getting really stressed or annoyed, I try to put it in perspective and think that 3 months from now things will be a lot different. I'm glad they hired someone last week, and she starts next Monday. That will take some of the pressure off, and hopefully I won't have to work a weekend day again... it cuts into my Casey time!

On a more emotional note, this week marked the 9 year anniversary of the death of my grandmother. I thought about it quite a bit this week, and how much has happened since then. I think she would be excited about what Casey and I are doing now, and definitely excited about the baby. She was always really good with kids, and I am happy I got to spend so much time with her when I was younger. I learned a lot from her. I still think about her a lot. She was an awesome lady! :)

I guess that's about all for now. I have a lot of other things on my mind, but I've written too much at this point. Time to edit some photos and get some things done around the house.


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