Friday, October 16, 2009

Upcoming Events

So after a few more days of having my head in the clouds and dreaming about little feet, I am slowly coming back down to Earth. Any mention of the baby sends me back up a little bit, and anytime it kicks now I picture the little tiny feet on my internal organs, but I'm trying to concentrate on what's going on right now and keep my head in the game. We've got a ton going on and I can't afford to space out and/or slack off right now!

My two amazing best friends and sisters-in-law have started planning our baby shower for December, so reality is setting in that we need to register ASAP! I think we might go do that tomorrow, or at least start the process. We are also going crib hunting tomorrow, so Saturday is officially the day we are going to crack down and figure some things out for Peanut. I know Casey will morph into Engineer mode and want to research things (I actually envy that he does this, even if I do tease him about it... haha) so I'm prepared for this to take a few weeks to actually get done. With the help of several people who have recently had babies, I have a decent list going of things I think we might need. The trick now is finding out which products are the 'best' and what things we can avoid getting altogether.

In other news, there are two new girls starting this week at work. I got to start training one of them yesterday, and so far I have to say that if she keeps up the way she did, I will not feel guilty about leaving work in December. She seems highly capable and very smart. (Incidentally, her last name is Smart.) In fact, she pays enough attention to detail that she even caught a few mistakes I made yesterday... which was a little embarrassing, but good! I know I like to talk, but I realized that as the day went on and I had to explain everything I was doing, I started getting tired and very spacey (yes, more so than normal). I slept better last night than I have in a long time! Sunday may be the same for me, because the other new girl will be at work half day so I can train her on phones, etc. She seems a little more reserved, but hopefully she'll be able to catch on quickly and fill in some of the hours. It was a little strange yesterday when some of the agents would meet Amber (new girl #1) and ask, "So whose place are you taking?" I guess a lot of people didn't realize that I may not be coming back after I have the baby. I am still keeping the door open so that in a few months I might take a weekend slot here and there, but because I don't know many people here, and I definitely don't want to send my kid to a day care right away, I plan on being a stay at home mom. They seem to understand that this may have been different if we were not as new to the area, or if we had family that lived closer. But most people seem to get the fact that 1) I'm only part-time, and 2) I don't get maternity leave BECAUSE I'm part-time. I think they wonder why I'm leaving so early (mid-December), but if they could see the schedule I'm going to have between December and February when the baby is born, I don't think many people would question it. I anticipate a lot of visitors, plus we have a lot of preparation to get done on the house (nursery, basement) before Peanut arrives. I didn't really want the nightmare of trying to take a lot of time off work around Christmas because I'm so low on the totem pole, so I thought I'd just skip it and leave a little earlier. Additionally, I will have to start going to the doctor more frequently around that time. And if those weren't reasons enough, I am ready for a break!

Other than that, school is going well, and Casey seems to still enjoy work. He's had a lot going on recently and has been a little stressed while at home, but compared to the old days of grad school, life has changed a lot for him. He manages to come home and relax (or at least the Casey version of relax) almost every night now. If he's working on a report or something for work, he still makes time to sit down and eat dinner with me and hang out for awhile. It sure beats the old days when I'd bring him dinner at work and then not get to eat with him because he was busy working on an experiment. Although I don't miss that aspect of grad school, I really miss the people. We are trying to work out a quick trip back to Columbia in early December. So far it looks like it might work out, now we are just looking into places to stay. Hopefully everything will come together and we'll get to go before I fill up 2 seats on the plane instead of one! Haha!

I guess that's all for now. I need to start on laundry, and then run some errands. Hoping to find a white and orange striped shirt today for my Juno costume. :) More later!


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