Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Please work, please work, please work...

I took some pictures over the weekend for my homework assignment that is due this Thursday, but I've been having some problems with my Compact Flash (CF) card and it's driving me a little nuts. I'm troubleshooting it right now, but it's taking a long time. Basically, I can see all of the pictures on my camera from my computer, but it won't let me copy them. Stupid, right? I just switched out the USB cable and am hoping for the best... so I'm blogging while I wait for everything to *hopefully* upload... please work please work....

Other than that, things are going pretty well. I'm excited about Halloween, even though we will probably just stay home and hand out candy this year. I doubt it will be 70 degrees like it was last year, but hopefully it won't be cold and rainy like it has been recently. Still trying to figure out what Charley's going to wear... and Casey for that matter. I think he's going to go with wearing his hardhat and lab coat from work, and then we're going to get some make up and make it look like he had an accident or something. His idea, not mine. :) As far as CB goes... no clue. But I guess I still have 4 days to figure it out!

Okay, so it looks like changing the USB cable may have done the trick... hopefully so because then I'll actually have pictures to turn in on Thursday! Kind of pointless to go to lab today when I didn't have anything to bring for it. That's the nice thing about this class.. since Tuesdays are lab, and I have Photoshop at home, we aren't required to come in, and we don't get points taken off if we're not there. I have a good line of communication going with my teacher, so he knows I'm having card/camera/cord issues and is very understanding, as usual. Time to work on homework, then get ready for work. We have another person interviewing today at 3... let's hope she is good, or hell- let's hope she even shows up! That will be an improvement from the norm. :)


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