Friday, October 30, 2009

Gearing up for Halloween...

Halloween is almost here!! I found some brown spray-in hair color yesterday after class, so I am all set on the Juno costume. If you can believe it, Casey still doesn't know what he's going to be this year. I don't know what to do with that guy. Sounds like tonight after he gets off work, we're going shopping for whatever he decides to be during the course of the day. Then we're carving pumpkins tonight! We had planned to last night, but we were both so tired after getting off work that we decided to put it off.

I was draaaaaaagging at work yesterday. Not sure why my energy level was so low, although the rainy weather isn't helping! Maybe it was because of all the running around I did on Wednesday afternoon. I took Charley to the pumpkin patch (he had to stay in the car because they had a cat...) so I managed to get 2 huge pumpkins into a cart and roll it up to the register. Found out later I should have asked because they would have helped me... I probably shouldn't have lifted either of them. Lesson learned. After taking Charley back home, I had to head to Walmart for some much-needed grocery shopping. I got all my goods and got in line, only to find out that my gallon of milk decided to explode. The little Indian guy at the counter started freaking out and running around, so I just stood there and watched for a sec until he said, "Ma'am, would you mind going to get another gallon of milk?" I was a little surprised by the request (secretly hoping they would call someone to go get one for me), but felt bad for him, so I waddled all the way on the other side of the store for the milk, then waddled back (even moreso because I'm not used to lugging around a gallon of milk more than a few steps). By the time I got back to the line, there were a bunch of people waiting on me. I must have looked pretty bad at that point (red face, disheveled hair, sweating) and apologized to everyone by saying, "Sorry, I don't move as fast as I used to (while opening my coat and gesturing to my belly, which seemed to work because the annoyed stares turned to sympathy... score one for the baby bump!)... anyway, long story short, by the time I checked out and got to my car, I was absolutely exhausted. Then I had to put everything in the car, and take it out again when I got home (which now takes more trips than it used to because I realize I shouldn't lift very much). I was spent. I came home and sat on the couch for a good 30 minutes afterward. Too much heavy lifting and exercise for one day! So I think that's probably a good reason why my energy level was on the low end Thursday.

As far as work is concerned, they made the part-time schedule for November. At first I was a little upset that I have fewer days next month, but I realize they need to prepare for me to leave in December. I will only work Mondays and Thursdays now. I think this will be a good thing for a lot of reasons. I need to get used to being home more, and start to manage my time better. I am not scheduled to work any weekends next month, either. I have gotten to used to it that now it seems weird, but I will not complain!! I complain about work enough on here as it is. Soon I will probably complain about not working. I promise I'm a happy person! I guess it just takes more for me to be satisfied anymore. Who knows...

Anyway, I should probably get around here and get some things done. Charley is bored and I was thinking about taking him somewhere today so he can socialize. He'll probably be pretty hyped up tomorrow night when our doorbell rings all night long! Can't wait to see all the little neighborhood kids in their costumes!! :) I'll try to post pics on Sunday of our Halloween festivities.



PS: Peanut is 23 weeks today!! He/she has had the hiccups quite a few times lately, which is hilarious! Casey felt more substantial movement this week, too! We try to have him feel the baby move every night, but sometimes Peanut is stubborn and won't cooperate. We finally had some success on Thursday!! Yaaaay!!!

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