Monday, October 25, 2010

Baby Talk

"Boo boo wah wah". This is Keaton's newest 'phrase'. I can only guess what it means, but he's saying it a lot now, clear as day. He also says Mama on a somewhat regular basis now- and we've noticed he only says it around me, which would imply that he knows who I am! :) He likes to say it most when he's hungry or mad. Makes sense to me.

No "dada" yet. We are saying it to him a lot every day, but he's holding out on us. He's not saying D sounds at all yet, but I think we're close. He still says "ankooo" and "aguuu" and "whooo" (which was super cute on Saturday when he was wearing his Owl costume and hooting. :-D I need to upload pictures of the costume. We didn't get a picture of him standing up in it, but there were some cute ones with Casey, so I will add those soon.

I am excited about Halloween this year, even if it means that we dress him up for 30 minutes, take him around the neighborhood, and then hang out at home and pass out candy. I'm not even totally disappointed that I'm not dressing up this year, because it's been more fun getting Keaton's costume ready- I guess I'm living vicariously through him. I look forward to dressing up next year, though, when he can understand a little better. My parents always made Halloween so much fun for me- I only hope I can pass that on to Keaton.

That's all for now- I'm trying to re-train Keaton to sleep in his crib since vacation screwed him up again... he just started rubbing his eyes so I put him in the crib- so far no tears. This is tough! Here goes nothing.


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