Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Curse you, Columbus

Dammit, Columbus... you really messed me up this week.

I have to order my prescriptions through a mail order company that our insurance covers. So far, this has never been as convenient as it sounds. There has almost always been a problem with it one way or another- either with me ordering it or the company taking longer to ship it. Last week I realized that my Rx would run out while we're on vacation, so I ordered it online... thinking it would arrive before we leave early tomorrow morning. Then came Columbus Day yesterday, and the hiccup in mail delivery. Ugh. I have now created a headache for myself... today we received NO mail at all. This is not good.

I called my doctor to see if they could get something for me and cover me through the week- I'm still waiting on them to call back, and getting more anxious as the time goes by. I was also hoping the mailman was just really slow today. So far no luck either way. Oh, and not that I need it right now, but my paycheck was accidentally put in the mail by mistake, so I'm waiting for it to arrive, too.

It's moments like this that really hit home for me that I could use some work in time management and thinking ahead about things. Boy do I feel like a moron! But for now I'll blame Columbus.


Just kidding, Chris. I should have cursed the mailman... after all the back and forth phone calls to the Doctor and Walgreen's, the mailman drove up just minutes after Walgreen's called to let me know the Rx had been filled and I could pick it up. Of course, the Rx (and paycheck) were in the mail. Timing is a little off today. Argh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too have had to deal with the "money" saving Rx by mail! It can really be frustrating. I had an episode when the Dr. wouldn't call the mail order and the mail order wouldn't call the Dr. Each saying it was the other's responsibility!! Good thing it wasn't life and death, But My husband did have to go without medication for a week. I almost wondered what they would have said if I had had to call them and tell them he had died!!! It was frustrating and I feel for you!! Terry (Jonathan's mom)