Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So [NOT] smooth.

I am not a person you would call 'smooth'. In fact, I'm pretty clumsy. I would probably be entertaining to watch doing normal activities. Yesterday, for example, we had this crazy wind storm which I would ideally not be out in, but we needed groceries. After about an hour of shopping, we trekked outside and braved the intense winds. Between getting Keaton out of the shopping cart, catching the shopping cart as it tried to blow away, getting the huge back door slammed on me while trying to put bags into the car, and attempting to open the car door to leave and having to use my entire body weight to do so, I'm sure someone could have gotten a kick out of it. The wind was ridiculous, but I felt about the same when I got into the car. (So that's where the bruise on my leg came from... it all makes sense now...)

When I got home, I pulled into the driveway and quickly shut the garage door behind me so the wind would not be a factor. Keaton was asleep in the car seat (and really needed the nap, as he was getting a little fussy near the end of our shopping trip) so I took him inside and put him in his crib. I then realized that I could not easily open the back car door to get the groceries out without opening the garage door, which could potentially wake him. I decided to wing it and opened the back door as far as it would go (not far) and took the bags out one by one. One of the bags had a little hole in it, which ripped open and most of its contents fell on the floor. (Sigh). Sometimes when things like this happen to me, I am reminded of incidents- normally in movies or on TV- that are similar. This one took me back to Home Alone where Kevin is walking down the street carrying all of his groceries, proud at what he had accomplished, and the bottoms drop out and groceries go everywhere. The look on his face is exactly how I felt. Sometimes I just hope God is watching and is entertained by my clumsiness. :)

I remember trying to explain what "clumsy" was to one of the foreign students once, and he asked me if it is an illness. I laughed, but sometimes it feels like it might be. When I've got it, I've got it BAD. Sometimes my timing just works out and I do things smoothly- but that is very rare. So rare, I can't even think of an example right now. But more often than not, I am the Queen of Clumsy. (Flash back to me tossing a pop can to Casey, who was down the hallway in his old apartment in Manhattan, and I threw it into the wall, where it then ricocheted into the adjacent wall. He still makes fun of me for that. And I don't think anyone was ballsy enough to try and open the can.) Does anyone remember the entry where I broke my toe on the bouncy seat? That's what I'm talkin' about.

I hope Keaton doesn't get 'blessed' with the clumsy gene. And while I could, I will not give examples of Casey's clumsiness on here, it just wouldn't be right. But if we're lucky, it'll skip Keaton altogether and he won't have trips to the ER or stories of embarrassment like his parents do.

That is all.

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