Sunday, November 14, 2010

29 (for the first time)

My 29th birthday was yesterday. The first one, at least. My boys took me out to Joe's Crab Shack for lunch in Schaumburg, where I proceeded to eat the largest amount of crab I have ever consumed in my entire life. We're talking three huge clusters- every last bite. It was kind of ridiculous. And 100% delicious.

We then went to the Woodfield Mall and walked around for a few hours while I attempted to find something for my birthday. I guess indecisiveness does not get better with age, because I couldn't find anything and left empty handed. I had fun hanging out with my boys, though, so it was an enjoyable afternoon. We stopped by The Cheesecake Factory before heading back home, and grabbed a few slices for the road. I am enjoying the second half of my Caramel Pecan Turtle Cheesecake as I type this. YUM. So I guess I can say I ate well and had very good company for my birthday. Not bad for the big 2-9.

Casey took Mr. K with him in to work* this afternoon so I could have some alone time, which I haven't done in forever. *(He is having problems connecting to his work server from home and went all the way there, only to find out that he has to go back in later because there is a problem with the connection that can't be solved today and he has to get things done for a meeting tomorrow. Suck!) I drove to Target to try and find something for my birthday, and walked all around the place for almost an hour before giving up and coming home. Now I'm waiting on the boys to get back. I hate that now that I have some money in my pocket, it is burning a hole there and I'm anxious to spend it. Hopefully that will subside soon.

It's also amazing to me how lost I feel when Keaton's not with me! I think that actually means that I need to do this a little more often so it's not as strange. It is good for him to spend time with his Daddy and good for me to do my own thing once in awhile. I'm thankful that Casey thought to take Keaton along so I could feel refreshed mentally. :)

I guess that's about it for now. Not sure what else is in store for the day, but I know tomorrow Keaton and I have the fun task of taking in my car for maintenance- hopefully it won't take a long time and he'll be a happy camper.


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