Friday, November 5, 2010

Refusing the bottle...?

[Hey, fair warning- this first paragraph is about breastfeeding. Please skip to the second if you aren't interested.]

When Keaton was first born, he would not latch. He would either scream because he was hungry, or fall asleep as soon as he latched, but it took awhile for him to get the hang of it. Now, though, we have the opposite problem- he won't take a bottle! I thought at first that the milk from the freezer was old or something, because he wouldn't take it. But yesterday I pumped right before we left for an appointment, and he refused the bottle completely. I wonder if his teeth are bothering him? I never know for sure. But I do know that with his top tooth coming in, nursing is getting more painful every day, and I need to find a way to get him to drink out of a bottle or sippy cup. Any helpful hints? I'm at a loss right now.

He also slept a lot yesterday and I am a little surprised that he has not gotten up for his normal feeding yet. I am wide awake. I wouldn't mind if he skips a feeding during the middle of the night, but my body has gotten used to it now so this morning I was tossing and turning for over 30 minutes before I decided to get up and write. I can always nap later.

I guess that's about it, just a little unsure of how to go about the whole bottle thing. Suggestions are appreciated!


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