Friday, November 12, 2010

3 Quick Things

A few things... sorry for the short post, but I've got a lot going on!!

1) Mom just spent 6 days here. They went way too fast. Keaton and I already miss her! Our fridge is stocked with food, Keaton is enjoying his new toys and wardrobe, and I spent some quality time relaxing with Mom and enjoying her company.
2) Casey's on his way back from Salt Lake City right now. He should be home in the next hour!! Woo hoo!
3) Keaton got his 3rd tooth today! It's also his 9 month 'birthday'... and he attempted to pull himself up today- using my shirt. Thankfully we were not in public. He started waving this past week, too. I'm sure I'm forgetting other things but I will hopefully remember them in the next post.

I know there are plenty of things I should write, but for now I'm going to pick up the house a tiny bit so it looks decent for Casey when he gets home. And finally, tomorrow I turn 29... for the first time. ;-D Looking forward to spending it with my boys!


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