Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Say what??

An awkward thing happened to us last night at dinner. We sat Keaton in a high chair, and a man and woman sitting across from us started waving and smiling at him. They told us how their 6 year old looked 'exactly' like Keaton when he was his age, and then showed us a picture. (I couldn't really see it, but smiled anyway.) Then the man started having a conversation with someone on his phone, saying, "There is a little boy here, probably a year to 18 months old, who looks just like..." Wait, what? My kid, 12-18 months old?? I corrected him, and then he proceeded to tell me how "huge" Keaton was for his age. Ugh... sometimes I really dislike people. I shouldn't care too much, but it's awkward and I really don't know what to say. I find myself justifying his size, and feel bad about doing so. He's in the 60th percentile. He's not 'huge'. He may wear 12 month clothes and be half my size, but he's not a giant. (Remember, I'm the size of a 4th grader!)

Anyway, enough of that. We went to IKEA last night, in search of a couch to replace the old, ugly, huge one that is currently residing in our living room. We found one that we like, but realized that even with the Cyber Monday sale, we would not save much money on it. We're going to wait it out and see if it goes on sale in the following weeks/months. After IKEA, and the awkward incident at dinner, we headed to Bed Bath & Beyond, a store I haven't been to in over a year. I forgot how much I enjoy it there. We found some really cute stocking hangers... now I just have to search for stockings for the 3 of us. I haven't found any I like, so I think Keaton and I are going to run to Hobby Lobby this afternoon and get some plain ones and some fabric paint so I can put our names on them. The only ones we have right now are 3 stockings for Charley Brown (which made me tear up when I found them) and one for "Peanut" that Grandma Harding made for him last year. We are trying to decide what traditions we are going to start this year. Next year we may do Christmas at our house, and then drive back to Topeka afterward. I guess we'll decide in time.

Another upcoming event is Keaton's first birthday. It sounds like both sides of the family want to come up for it, so we are going to start thinking of ideas... we may have one party for friends and another for family. Either way, Keaton will get his own cake and I plan to take a ton of pictures!!

Mr. K is fighting sleep again... (sigh). I'm trying to stay strong, I just liked it when we could put him down when he was sleepy and he'd go to sleep on his own... it was a good month. Now we're back to square one. I hate Cry It Out!! I hope this stage is over soon!

That's all for now. I need to hop in the shower whenever he finally decides to take a nap. More later!


1 comment:

Jenny said...

I get the same way when someone innocently says, "he's so big!". I'm like, um, he's not that big, but thanks... :p