Thursday, November 4, 2010

November Milestones

In 8 days, Keaton will be nine months old. In 9 days, I will be 29. Oh, November... so much in store.

So far this month, Keaton has learned to say "Dada" (November 1st) and is working on his 3rd tooth. We ended up taking him to the Pediatrician yesterday because the night before, he was pulling on his right ear. I was sure he was getting an ear infection. I'm happy to say I was wrong- she said his upper right front tooth was about to pop through at any time. He should have his two front teeth by Christmas... which means we have to ask for something else this year. ;)

He just took an amazing 2 hour nap, which doesn't count the hour nap he had earlier in the day. Sleeping is starting to get better around here... although I hesitate writing that because I know it could relapse at any time. They say that any time babies reach a new milestone, usually their sleep is affected. He is on the verge of crawling now, and who knows what else. Every day he does something new. This week (and pretty much since we went to South Carolina) he's been talking. I think if he's "behind" his other friends on the movement front, he's definitely going to be an early talker. But I was, too, and I haven't stopped. Maybe Keaton will have a blog of his own one of these days! ;)

Our doorbell on Halloween.
I can say now that he is 'sleep trained'. Sometimes I wonder if they are really training the parents instead of the kids when they talk about sleep training, because it took a lot of will power for me to put him down in his crib to take a nap. Now I can put him in when he's wide awake, and 9 times out of 10 he will fall asleep on his own. He's been sleeping longer at night most nights this week, too. Last night he slept from 7-7, only waking up once to eat. I hope we're on to something here!

I just got one of his big toys out so he could play, and a spider crawled across it... I screamed, and he thought it was funny. Then he imitated me! He's done that a bit lately, too. A girl squealed on a commercial, and he squealed back. One of the kids in our neighborhood made a loud 'Woooo' noise and he did it back. It's so fun to watch (and listen to) him learn!

So I'm sure I'm forgetting other things he's doing right now, but those are the main ones I could think of and I wanted to write them down before I forget anything. I may have to print this blog out into a book instead of keeping track of his baby book- I think I've done much better at writing things on here than I have in either of the books we have at home. I made the Japan blog into a book, so I may as well do the same with this one some day.

That's about all from me- I'm going to go play with the dude.


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