Friday, January 15, 2010

34 weeks, and random tidbits

So Casey doesn't say as much as "Sleep Talkin' Man" does, but last night during a pretty intense snore-fest, I tried to quiet him down a bit... I tapped him on the shoulder and said "Casey, you're snoring" and he almost jumped out of bed! At first I thought I had freaked him out, possibly thinking that the baby was coming or something... then he said, "I was at the theater." He doesn't even remember jumping up or talking to me at all. I wonder if STM's wife tries to carry on conversations with him in his sleep, or if he just starts rambling. Case normally says more when I start talking to him after he's said something. Even if it doesn't make any sense, I start asking him questions and sometimes I'll get some pretty funny answers. Still not as crazy at STM, though. (

So not much to write yet today, besides the fact that we're at 34 weeks now! I haven't taken a picture since we left for Christmas... so I'll update that sometime this weekend. I feel huge! I plan to work on the nursery at some point today... still not sure what I'm doing in there, but oh well. I went to bed around 2:15 this morning, then woke up when Case was getting ready for work. I just woke up again around 9:45... so I got a decent amount of sleep, just had a hard time getting there. I watched a ton of good TV last night- I'm glad some of the shows are coming off hiatus or whatever was going on. I am still upset about the Leno/Conan situation. Looks like Leno is taking the Tonight Show now, and Conan is out on his ass. That's so messed up... Conan and all of his staff moved all the way to LA, just to be screwed over. :( Hopefully something good will come out of it for him. He's been in the business for a LONG time, and it would be weird to have some sort of stability and then not be sure where you would be in a month. Although apparently he's had offers from the adult entertainment industry?! LOL...

Well, that's all for now. This weekend we're taking Charley to the vet to get a check-up on his ear infections, and Sunday we have our final Prepared Childbirth class. We get to take a tour of the OB unit, and get to see what our birthing suite will look like! I'm pretty excited about those... I've heard a lot of good things about the hospital where we'll deliver, so I'm pretty stoked about Sunday. I'm actually just excited to get out of the dang house for once... I'm about to go crazy in here!!! (As someone pointed out, at least I'm not on bed rest!! I would have lost it a long time ago!!!!)


1 comment:

Chimpsea said...

I can't wait to see some pictures! I love that we change on the same day of the week - 10 weeks left for me! I don't think I'll lose my belly button, but I guess we'll see. I started with some extra padding :)

Did you know that the hospital beds can do like a million different positions for laboring moms? We had this big poster in our class of all the stuff you can make the bed do. I hope they show you! I don't get a fun hospital bed to play with when I'm in labor.