Monday, January 18, 2010


Well, it's me again. I laid down to go to sleep, and 2/3 of the Trifecta decided that it wasn't going to happen. Charley was good and stayed out of it. I'm considering sleeping on the couch, on the blow-up mattress in the basement, or on a sleeping bag in the nursery. We'll see...

So another weekend has come to an end. Yesterday after I caught up on sleep, Casey and I ventured out... it was my first time leaving the house since- I dunno- Wednesday? I can't even remember. But it was great to get out again. Case went to Sports Clips for a haircut, and I went to Starbucks. Everything was fine except for a table of people near me who noticed I was pregnant and then started talking about people they knew who died during birth- either the mother or baby. This was pretty unsettling to me, and I ALMOST got up to ask them if they could change the subject, but luckily they got distracted by something else and didn't continue. It was pretty awkward, to say the least. Glad that it didn't last long, though!

After the haircut, we went home and picked up Charley, and took him to downtown Naperville to a pet store called Two Bostons. We always get him these things called "Bully Sticks", which are wonderful because they 1) don't stain the carpet or smell bad when he eats them, and 2) take him a pretty long time to devour. It's almost like a pacifier for the dog, actually. He's been driving me a bit nutty lately so it will be nice to have some of those around when he gets super needy.

Other than watch a movie last night, we did a whole lot of nothing. Today, we went to our last Prepared Childbirth class. I almost wish we could have taken the 5 week class, because there is SO much to learn... but I think the instructor did a nice job trying to inform us about all of the important things. Today we also took a tour of the birthing suites and mother/baby rooms at Edward Hospital. We got acquainted with the hospital a bit more, so we know where things are when we go there for the Big Event in just over a month. The mother/baby rooms are just like any other hospital room you would normally see, but the birthing suites are pretty amazing! They've got just about everything you need there, so it made me a little less anxious about the whole process. And apparently the staff there is great- everyone gets their own nurse! That doesn't always happen so it's nice to know that we'll have someone there that will basically be 'ours'. :)

I guess that's about all for today. I watched the Golden Globes tonight, and then attempted to go in and get some sleep... but you see where that got me. I'm going to attempt this again, and if it doesn't work out... I guess you'll get entry #2 soon enough.



Chimpsea said...

Were you SUPER tired at the beginning of your pregnancy? I remember sleeping all the time. I could fall asleep in the middle of the day, in the middle of a conversation... Aaaaah, those were the days :) I think I'm paying for that now or something.

Ashley said...

I was pretty sleepy at the beginning- I would come home for lunch, inhale it, and then nap for as long as I possibly could before going back to work. Now I just take whatever I can get, which is normally 3 hours at a time, if I'm lucky. Now I can look back on the days when I'd sleep til noon or something ridiculous, and think, "Heck yeah, I'm glad I did that while I had the chance..." :)