Saturday, January 16, 2010


I feel like someone threw me in the microwave. I really don't know how else to describe how I feel right now after the worst night of attempted sleep thus far during the pregnancy. It was the lightest, most interrupted sleep I ever remember having so far. I heard virtually every noise in the house, but the most noise came from Case. I have GOT to get him in to see a doctor sometime soon.. this snoring thing is going to kill me! Sorry to say it, babe... but I don't think you read this so I'm not going to worry about that right now. :-/

The alarm is set to go off at 8, because we have to take Charley in to see the vet for a check up on his ear infection. I hope right now that I can find a second wind, or manage to take a nap sometime this afternoon. If not, I have a feeling I'm not going to be a very fun person to be around today.

I know that there will probably be nights that I get just about as much sleep as I did last night, so I'm trying to put things in perspective. Maybe it'll be easier to justify when there's a little kid that needs something from me. Right now, it's just me against the Trifecta (squirming baby, snoring husband, dog that insists on jumping in bed and laying on me)... so far I'm losing.

Alrighty, I suppose that's enough complaining from me for one entry. Let's get this day started!


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