Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Here goes nothing...

It may be too early to say, but hopefully things are going better so far today. We had the car towed to a company very close to where Casey works. The downside is they didn't know when they could get to it... as in, maybe not until the end of the week! (Please pray that Peanut doesn't decide to make an early appearance until we have more than 1 vehicle!!!) I dropped Casey off at work, and came back home. I just got a hold of the Toyota dealership, where the Parts guy assured me that the key is in and I can come pick it up anytime now. We won't have an owner's manual for a few weeks, though. Oh well, one thing at a time. I want to note that the guy I spoke with on the phone earlier definitely seemed to know what he was talking about, which is a nice step up from just about everyone else I've spoken with so far. We'll see how it goes!

I have a feeling the blogfest is going to be pretty regular now that I don't have a job and it's so freaking cold outside. I have managed to keep myself very busy, though, and besides not having a paycheck anymore, I think it's a good thing that I quit working when I did. That would have complicated a lot of things this week if I had to worry about work now that the VW crapped out.

I'm going to head to the Toyota dealership now and hope for the best.


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