Saturday, January 2, 2010

Starting the New Year...

We are officially into the New Year now, which is crazy to me. When people ask when the baby is due, I can officially say "next month", which is also insane. :-D Very hard to believe, but it feels like everything is going in fast forward now.

We spent New Year's Eve at home, making dinner, playing Yahtzee (boy does that make me feel old!!) and watching TV. I didn't think I was going to make it to midnight, but then during the last 30 minutes before 12, I suddenly got this burst of energy, and then had a hard time going to sleep before 2. After that I was up every 2 hours, basically because my body didn't want me to sleep, I think. Not sure why. All I know is that we woke up around 8:30 or so, made cinnamon rolls, and then I went back to sleep until almost NOON. I haven't done that in YEARS! Apparently I needed it, though.

After I finally got up and around yesterday, Case and I decided to leave and check out one of the local Honda dealerships to look into buying a new vehicle. We were there a good hour, crunching numbers and attempting to see what kind of deal we could get on a CRV. We got them down to a fairly decent price, but because the details of trading Casey's truck were a little shady (and we didn't bring it with us so we didn't have specifics), we couldn't make a deal right then and there. Weird to hear salesmen basically say, "What can we do to get you to spend money here today?" Unfortunately for them, we never said we were going to commit to anything right away, and we are still not totally happy with the price they gave us. We may go back today, but that will be after some comparison shopping around town. So I have a feeling by the end of today, we could have a new vehicle in the garage. What can I say, when my husband puts his mind to something, he definitely gets the job done! This could be said for many different aspects of our lives. :) Happy New Year!

After the car ordeal, we ran a few more errands, then went to see Avatar in 3D. All I have to say is, it was totally worth the money! It was unlike any movie I have seen before. 3D has really come a long way since I was a kid. Speaking of kids, 1) the little kid next to me in the theater was really cute because he kept trying to reach out and grab things on the screen during the movie. 2), Peanut got the hiccups (again, for at least the 2nd time in 2 days) and Casey got to feel them during the movie. That's actually the 2nd day in a row that Casey got to feel them, too. For some reason I think hiccups in the womb are so funny! Something about an unborn baby showing traits of infants makes me laugh... I know, I'm weird. But you try concentrating on something for very long when your stomach is jumping around! Very cool, and distracting. :-D Speaking of hiccups, Peanut got them again this morning, which is why I'm up blogging right now. Kind of hard to sleep when my stomach is bouncing around... LOL...

Tomorrow we start our first Prepared Childbirth class. If reality hasn't set in yet, I think it will after that! I am still pretty motivated to get things done around the house. Maybe it's because we still have boxes everywhere from Christmas... I don't know. But I'm enjoying the Nesting phase so far; it is very motivating. The baby will be here before we know it!

Well, I should go now. It's almost 6 and I'm hungry for what I have started calling 'first breakfast', the one I eat when I wake up early... then I eat another one when I wake up after going back to sleep. At this rate I will not have a problem gaining another 2 lbs when I go back to the doctor on the 11th. :)



1 comment:

Jenny said...

How was childbirth class, how many sessions is yours? We start next weekend (2 Sat classes) and I have no idea what to expect. :p