Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bad Car-ma

Our current car situation is reminding me of the weather in Kansas... wait 10 minutes, and it will change. I just wish it would change for the better.

Earlier today, I got a phone call from Casey. The repair shop discovered that the VW needs a new engine. $3200+ (read: arm + leg + another arm + ...) on a car that may have additional issues, and is now 10 years old. Do we spend the money and replace the engine, knowing that there are several other things we need to have fixed that could go bad at any time? Do we take the RAV4 back and try to negotiate something with the dealership on two, less expensive vehicles? Do we keep the RAV4 and invest in another vehicle? Or do we stick with the RAV4 and not replace the VW until after Casey gets his bonus this Spring? The obvious concern I have about that is that I would go into labor and somehow Casey wouldn't be able to make it to the hospital in time. I really don't know what we're going to do. I love my husband, but at this rate I'm dreading anytime he calls me, because so far it's all been bad news.

I have woken up the past 2 days thinking, "Today has to be better than yesterday." So far I have been proven wrong. I will try not to dwell on that and just hope for the best. This is just getting ridiculous.

Hoping for a better, more positive entry next time,


1 comment:

Chimpsea said...

Ugggg... well one silver lining is that it's happening now instead of 4 weeks from now when you really are super duper close to baby time! I'm sure if worse came to worse and Casey needed to get to the hospital, he would (taxi, a co-worker, etc.)!

Wishing you guys luck with all this mess. It will be ok.