Thursday, January 27, 2011

Curious George and Owl Cupcakes

30 Day Photo Challenge, Day 10: A photo you like for any reason

My little monkey watching Curious George. :)

He is kind of enthralled with Curious George right now. Every time he sees CG on TV, he squeaks! I normally let him watch a 15 minute episode every day, especially when I need to do something like switch out the laundry or take a shower. I normally put him in the Pack N Play, but he gets so glued to the tube that I come back a minute or two later and he hasn't moved... at all. I may not win any kind of Mother of the Year award for letting my kid watch a little TV before he's 2... but I kind of doubt I'm screwing him up, either. If he's anything like his Daddy, and we all know he is already, then he's going to have an affinity toward all things electronic... I'll just be sure not to overdo it.

So I gave the birthday cupcakes a test run the other night, and finally uploaded pictures. Here's a preview:

I didn't realize how difficult it is to break Oreos apart without screwing up the frosting in the middle. The commercials make it look SO easy. Jerks. It's really not, unless there's some kind of trick to it that I don't know about. I went through a bunch of mini Oreos just to get a few that looked decent, but even then I think these owls look a bit cracked out. LOL... I may have to go for Plan B- white icing. I thought the Oreo idea was brilliant when I saw it on a recipe online, but I am no Martha Stewart, and don't have a great track record when it comes to making things look super nice. I'm glad to have done a test run, though, so it should make the real thing go a bit easier.

It's snowing again. It's supposed to snow the next few days, too. Keaton and I watched the snow today while we ate lunch. Last night I made teriyaki salmon, sticky rice, and edamame. Keaton enjoyed trying all 3 items, and seemed to like the salmon the best, which surprised me! At lunch today I gave him some more rice and edamame, and he ended up chewing the edamame into little bits and sucking on them for almost 45 minutes. He would just hold the pieces in his mouth for a long, long time, and I wouldn't realize he was still eating them until he would laugh or talk and a little green piece would fly out of his mouth. Silly kid! I guess Case did something similar with his food when he was a kid, so I shouldn't be too surprised. Still, though, I wish he would just swallow it because I always worry about him choking while he's playing! Not to mention the fact that he leaves a little trail of edamame chunks all over the place when he crawls around.

He's also been chatting up a storm the past few days. I'm trying to only give him the pacifier when he's about to take a nap, so he's not as dependent on it. So far it's working. He has been doing long strings of babbling, mainly saying Dada, Mama, and babababababahhhh! Today we played an extended game of 'Where's the ___?' He's really getting good at knowing where things are, and pointing. I think this may be my favorite game so far... he's learning a ton right now! Such a neat little kid. :)

Well, this Mommy's going to try and take a little nap while Keaton's asleep so I can get some bit of energy for tonight. I've been doing housework in the evenings while Casey works, and today will be no exception because I am super tired, for some reason. More tomorrow!


1 comment:

Jenny said...

Those cupcakes are to die for - they are too cute! You're going to be the envy of every mom at birthdays. :p

Lucas loves salmon too, weird huh? We should feed it to him more often but the few times we let him try it he wanted more.