Friday, January 21, 2011

Thinking warm thoughts... Day 4

30 Day Photo Challenge, Day 4: A place I would like to go visit:

On this bitterly cold, dreary Chicago day, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be in the Galapagos Islands. They never have to worry about -20 degree wind chill. Or snow. Or... anything, or so it seems. As Liz Lemon would say, "I want to go to there!" I don't know why I've been thinking about it so much lately, but I can't help myself... I'm obsessed. Absolutely beautiful!!

In other news, Keaton decided that today would be the day he pulled himself up in his crib. He hasn't figured out how to sit up on his own while laying down yet, but we are too close for comfort right now, so I think Casey is going to have to lower the crib this weekend. I knew this day would come, but now the toughest part comes for me- getting my kid in and out of his bed. 1) I'm super short. 2) He's on the heavy side. It is hard for me to get the leverage I need to put him in bed without dropping him, or pick him up without a step stool... so that's my only option, unless Casey puts hydraulics on the bed or we get a lever/pulley system going. Since those are highly unrealistic, I will have to resort to the stool. It's too bad I can't still get a growth spurt.

Well, laundry calls, and Keaton's taking a pretty good nap right now, so I'll take advantage. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow to get a few fillings... yay. Can't wait. Blah! Oh well, it's better to get it over with. Then I meet with an orthodontist on Monday morning to see what can be done... hopefully everything will work out and I will have straight teeth in the very near future!



Lilli O said...

Oh my gosh...I hear ya on the crib thing! They need to make side steps that come down for short mommies!

Chimpsea said...

I'm feelin you on the crib thing! We lowered E's last weekend and it's killing my back already.

And the orthodontist! I'm jealous. I'm going to get invisalign someday when I have an income. :)