Monday, January 31, 2011

Prepping for "Snowpocalypse" 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge, Day 13: A photo of one of your favorite movies:

This one is difficult because 1) I watch a lot of movies, and 2) I have trouble making decisions, so deciding on one movie is tough!

Fright Night! Word on the web is that they're remaking it, and Colin Ferrell is playing the vampire neighbor. I think that may be the only reason I watch the new one, because I love the old one so much, I am sure the remake will not do it justice. Either way, though... I love vampire movies and this is one I could watch over and over again!

Day 14: A photo of your best friend(s):

Lindsey, Sara and I at Ben's wedding a year ago... (I was 4 months preggo at the time). I always have fun with these girls. Lindsey and I have been best friends since we were 5, and Sara and I became friends in middle school... then the two met, and are now inseparable. They always make me laugh, listen to my rambling stories, and are always there whenever I need them. I miss these girls a ton and I wish I lived closer to home so I could see them more often. Seeing them over coffee whenever we go back to Topeka is one of the highlights of my time at home!


In other news, "Snowpocalypse" is apparently making its way to Chicago in the next 24 hours. They are predicting up to 2 feet of the white stuff, and I am NOT excited at all. I decided to go to Walmart this morning, along with all the other crazy people, and stock up on a few things before it hits. I drove around for almost 20 minutes just looking for a parking place! I expected nothing less than the chaos I witnessed there, but I wish it wouldn't have taken 2 hours to get what I needed. It was not a fun trip.

By the time we left, Keaton was long overdue for a nap. Napping was another story today. In the past few days he's figured out how to sit up, pull himself up to standing, and then cruise around his crib. Since he's not able to sit himself down yet, I have to go in multiple times to lay him back down, which breaks his little heart. Then a minute later, he's up again. I ended up giving up and had him nap with me in our bed so he would finally settle down. Then late this afternoon, it took me 45 minutes to get him to fall asleep, and he didn't get there until almost 5 p.m., so I don't know what I'm in for tonight. It's just a stage... just a stage.

Here goes nothing. I sincerely hate snow right now. I feel bad for Casey because for months now he has looked forward to the Avenged Sevenfold concert tomorrow night in Moline, IA... I highly doubt it's going to happen at this rate. I hope for his sake that they reschedule it so he doesn't have to miss out. I also hope that my Mom's cataract surgery goes well tomorrow morning. Mother Nature is not being very accommodating right now! I hope this gets it out of her system so the weekend of the 12th is snow free... I would hate to have to cancel Keaton's birthday party or have our family's travel plans get screwed up! Grrr... Mother Nature!


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