Friday, January 28, 2011

The Perfect Cheer

30 Day Photo Challenge, Day 11: A photo of a night you loved

Halloween, 2005: It was about a week before we left to live in Japan (4 months for me, 6 for Casey), and was probably my most favorite Halloween ever. Casey and I learned a Halloween cheer that we found online that was from one of the SNL skits (which I just searched for to share with you, but to no avail). Everywhere we went, people would ask us to do the cheer, and after we finished people would buy us a drink. Needless to say, by the end of the evening, I could not remember the cheer very well. Casey rocked it out, though, and we had a blast! He really let loose and had fun with it. My Mom helped us make the costumes. Great night with great friends. :)

Keaton took a great nap after mall walking this morning, but pretty much refused to sleep for the last hour and 15 minutes, even though he was showing all the signs of being sleepy. I think he may actually (finally) be asleep now... after a long bought of hiccups. Are hiccups really a sign of growing in babies? He's gotten them at least once a day every day this week. Just wondered. We are actually going to lower his crib this weekend... for the second time this week, I put him in the Pack N Play and ran downstairs to get laundry out of the dryer, and when I came back up, he had pulled himself up again. He was pretty pleased with himself. I am still unsure why he hasn't figured out how to do it in his own crib yet, but I'm thankful (and so is my back) that he hasn't so far... but now is the time to lower it. :-/

I am ready for the weekend. I am ready for Casey to be home, and to go to Downers Grove tomorrow and visit our friends who are celebrating the Chinese New Year. I look forward to some delicious Chinese food, and getting to see a few friends and their kids. They are both girls, so Keaton should be pretty happy about that. :) I may not blog for a few days, but I'll be sure to update the 30 day photos next time.


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